
Zachman International & FEAC Institute

Information Age
The Information Age: Powershift
John Zachman
Zachman International
In the third blog of three about "The Information Age," the third book Toffler wrote about change was "Powershift." The basic idea in this book is, if you give everyone the same information at the same time, the power will shift outboard. No longer will the power be concentrated in two or three people at the top who know everything, decide everything, control everything... the power will shift outboard. 
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Waves of Humanity
The Information Age: The Third Wave
John Zachman
Zachman International
The second book Toffler wrote about change is "The Third Wave," and this is my 2nd in a series of three blogs. In this book he was contrasting the characteristics of the major "Waves" of humanity:In the Agricultural Wave, the basic discipline of humanity was Farming.
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Knowledge is Change
The Information Age: Future Shock
John Zachman
Zachman International
The Information AgeHere is a little context around the Information Age. In the interest of time and space, I will try to be brief but there is a key point I have to make. Having made this observation, I will limit my comments about the Information Age to some well-known works by Alvin Toffler, and I will probably break this blog into three separate parts based on the following, so look for those shortly: 
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Enterprise Architecture Origins
The Origins of Enterprise Architecture
John Zachman
Zachman International
Here are some samples of seminal works that constitute the origins of Enterprise Architecture:
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Enterprise Architecture Systems
Defining Enterprise Architecture: The Systems Are the Enterprise
John Zachman
Zachman International
The Enterprises of today (2015) have never been engineered. They happen... incrementally... over the life of the Enterprise as it grows and requires formalisms... "systems", manual and/or automated.  
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Enterprise Architecture Economics IT
Defining Enterprise Architecture: Economics and the Role of I.T.
John Zachman
Zachman International
So, why is it that an Enterprise needs Information Technology people in their Enterprise in the Information Age?When I happen to be talking to some IT folks and I raise the question, "Why does the Enterprise need Information Technology people in their Enterprise in the Information Age?" I usually warn them at this point that I haven't had an hour and a half or so to soften them up and I am going to make a radical comment... so don't fall of their chairs when I say this but...
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Enterprise Architecture Misunderstandings
Defining Enterprise Architecture: Misunderstandings
John Zachman
Zachman International
There presently appears to be a gross misunderstanding about Enterprise Architecture among management... but also among the information community as well. Enterprise Architecture is NOT an Information Technology issue... it is a Management issue. It is likely perceived to be an Information Technology issue as opposed to a Management issue for two reasons:  
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Architecture for CEO's
Big Architecture for CEOs
John Zachman
Zachman International
We've been having a great GovEA Conference this year- no shortage of good speakers, exhibits and vendors.I had the distinct pleasure of introducing my long-time friend and colleague, Scott Bernard who has been the U.S. Federal Chief Enterprise Architect for the last several years.
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Enterprise Physics 101
Enterprise Physics 101
John Zachman
Zachman International
Architecture Is Not a New IdeaThe ideas about Architecture have been around for a long time. In the old days we used to call this kind of thing "Enterprise Analysis." The whole concept of Enterprise Analysis was, or is, you try to understand the Enterprise first, before you try to overlay infrastructure kinds of things against it. 
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Information Revolution
The Information Revolution
John Zachman
Zachman International
Peter Drucker points out that that this is not the first Information Revolution, this is "The NEXT Information Revolution,"(1) the fourth Information Revolution.
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EA Profession vs. Trade
John Zachman
Zachman International
I recently ran across some notes I took from a presentation at an IBM SHARE Conference, August 1991 that may shed some light on the idea of Professionalism. 
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Commercial Computing
Intro to EA: The Paradigm Problem
John Zachman
Zachman International
 The advent of the commercial employment of computers in the 1950's ushered in an era of dramatic productivity improvements in both the private and public sectors. Clearly, using a computer to perform the processes of the business rather than people performing the processes is better because computers do things the same way every time whereas people make mistakes, computers perform in electrical (or electronic) cycle times and people in human cycle times and computers (in most cases) are cheaper than labor.
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