
Zachman International & FEAC Institute

EA Services as a means enterprise navigation
Enterprise Architecture Services: Delivering Value Beyond Management Programs
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
IntroductionEnterprise Architecture (EA) transcends the perception as a collection of diagrams and complex models when used as a tool for informed decision-making. The actual value of EA lies in providing decision insights that enable leaders to navigate organizational complexities with greater effectiveness and agility. EA models offer organizational transparency, revealing connections between processes, systems, data, and technology, which are crucial for identifying gaps, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement. EA ensures strategic alignment, risk management, resource optimization, strategic foresight, and smooth change management by enhancing decision-making capabilities. It also facilitates better stakeholder communication by translating complex technical details into understandable insights. Ultimately, EA empowers decision-makers to align actions with strategic goals, optimize resources, manage risks, and drive innovation, transforming data into actionable insights for organizational success. However, practicing enterprise architects face the barrier of communicating the value of EA to organizational stakeholders because of the tendency to talk about architecture models, frameworks, etc., instead of value creation. 
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Enterprise Architects are decision professionals supporting improved decision making
Enterprise Architects are decision professionals!
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
Enterprise Architecture (EA) often conjures images of intricate diagrams and complex models, but its true essence lies beyond these artifacts. At its core, EA models are not the end but are part of a powerful tool for informed decision-making. The real value proposition of EA is its ability to provide decision insights, enabling decision-makers to navigate the complexities of modern enterprises with greater effectiveness and agility. 
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The Role of a Professional Library in Enterprise Architecture
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
In the ever-evolving field of enterprise architecture (EA), staying current is not merely advantageous—it's imperative. The landscape of technology and business practices is in a constant state of flux, and maintaining a professional library is crucial for enterprise architects who strive to remain at the forefront of these changes. Traditionally, professional libraries consisted of books and academic papers, but the digital age has expanded the available resources to include digital publications, articles, blog posts, and websites. This evolution reflects the dynamic nature of the field and the need for agile and continuous learning. 
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The Importance of Building Rapport and Sustaining Relationships in the Enterprise Architect Role
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
IntroductionBuilding rapport and sustaining relationships are pivotal for success in enterprise architecture's dynamic and interconnected field. Enterprise architects must navigate complex organizational structures and interact with various stakeholders, from technical teams to top-level management. This paper explores the nature of rapport, its psychological underpinnings, and its critical importance to practicing enterprise architects. It also offers pragmatic techniques for cultivating and maintaining these essential relationships. 
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DALLE-2024-04-17-10.03.35---A-comic-strip-style-graphic-showing-two-people-exchanging-digital-credentials-via-computers-to-verify-a-persons-academic-achievements.-The-scene-depi Digital Credentials empowering verification of professional achievements
The Power of Digital Credentials
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
In an increasingly digital world, how we understand qualifications, skills, and identities is evolving. Digital credentials are becoming a cornerstone in this transformation, offering a more reliable and verifiable way to assess and recognize achievements and qualifications across various fields. Integrating blockchain technology into the digital credentialing process is particularly revolutionary, enhancing the security and trustworthiness of these essential assets. Notably, Zachman International and the FEAC Institute have embraced this technology, showcasing a forward-thinking approach to credentialing. 
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Knowledge is power An-oil-painting-style-depiction-of-a-conference-room-setting-with-multiple-attendees-in-a-teaching-session
The Strategic Value of Attending Professional Conferences for Enterprise Architects
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
As an enterprise architect, I firmly believe that continuous professional development is crucial for staying relevant and effective in our rapidly evolving industry. It keeps me updated on the latest technological trends and architectural frameworks and enhances my strategic thinking and problem-solving capabilities. Engaging in ongoing learning and development ensures that I can continue to provide optimal solutions that align with the strategic goals of the organizations I work with. This commitment to professional growth is essential for maintaining the high standards of innovation and efficiency required in our field. One way I continue my professional development is to present or attend professional conferences.  
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DALLE-2023-12-14-14.34.18---Cartoon-style-image-of-a-working-professional-a-Black-woman-in-her-early-40s-standing-at-a-fork-in-a-futuristic-road.-Shes-dressed-in-an-elegant-bu Looking at the future of the EA profession
Enterprise Architecture: Looking at 2024 and Beyond
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
As a long-practicing enterprise architect looking towards the profession's future, it's evident that the role is evolving rapidly, influenced by several key trends and technological advancements. One of the most significant drivers of change is the increasing adoption of cloud computing and the shift towards cloud-native architectures. According to Gartner, by 2025, over 85% of organizations will embrace a cloud-first principle, and 95% of new digital workloads will be deployed on cloud-native platforms, up from 30% in 2021 (Gartner, 2021[1]). This shift demands enterprise architects to be proficient in cloud technologies and adept at integrating and managing multi-cloud and hybrid environments. [1] 
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Enterprise Architecture as a means of decision-insight
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
"You can't manage well what you can't see coherently."-Doucet, Gøtze, Saha & BernardIn the dynamic landscape of modern business, enterprise architecture (EA) has become increasingly pivotal in steering organizations toward strategic success. As an Enterprise Architect, I see several benefits the practice of EA brings to the table, particularly in fostering coherency management and enterprise transparency—two critical pillars for informed decision-making. 
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Imagine-a-futuristic-federated-information-technology-space.-The-central-focus-is-a-large-holographic-display-showing-interconnected-nodes-symbolizi_20231104-174309_1 Connecting a federated world
The Value of Enterprise Architecture in the Federated Information Technology Space.
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
Enterprise architecture (EA) is critical in the federated information technology space by providing a structured framework and methodology for aligning an organization's IT capabilities with its business goals and objectives. Enterprise architecture becomes even more essential in a federated IT environment where different departments or business units within an organization may have a degree of autonomy over their IT systems and resources. Here's how EA contributes to the success of a federated IT landscape: 
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​The Imperative of the Enterprise Architect in Today's Boardroom
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
In an era where digital transformation is not just a buzzword but a central tenet to organizational longevity, the enterprise architect (EA) has transitioned from being a back-office role to a critical advisor to leadership. Their relevance in steering the company's strategic trajectory is paramount. Here's my perspective:
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Continual Professional Development
Dr. Cort Coghill
FEAC Institute
As professionals, we understand and appreciate the need for continual professional development (CPD). Associations, training organizations, etc. exist to help facilitate this need. However, one of the most important aspects of a well-balanced approach to CPD is having access to a diversity of thought.
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Designing for Flexibility
John Zachman
Zachman International
Relative to Dewey's conceptual innovations, in addition to his observation that the secret to the whole thing lies in the coding and classification of the data, Dewey identified and formalized the Process orientation in the late '60s long before Mike Hammer and Jim Champy popularized the concepts of Process Reengineering in their 1993 book. 
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15954 Jackson Creek Pkwy
Suite B463
Monument, CO 90132

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