Paths to CEA Black Belt Certification


Accelerated Path

Accelerated Path: 12 Weeks. Intense Training.

Typical Candidate: 0-5+ years of experience. Candidate has some modeling experience and familiarity with EA analysis techniques. This candidate is familiar with EA frameworks, metamodels and general skill in presenting EA findings to non-EA audiences.

Certification Format: Five individual courses taught in parallel over a twelve week period. The accelerated path results in the Certified Enterprise Architect (CEA) award (Black Belt). Students can participate in-class or online. Class is a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Course is scheduled 3 times per year.


Progressive Path

Progressive Path: Self-Paced, take as long as you need.

Typical Candidate: 0-1+ years of experience. Generally new to EA and may or may not have basic modeling skills. This candidate may have limited exposure to EA frameworks, metamodels or familiarity with presenting EA to non EA audiences. This candidate is likely looking to complete the courses over a longer period of time to balance work/life demands.

Certification Format: Five individual online courses each six weeks in length. Courses are scheduled at various times during the year. The program culminates with a capstone course producing a practicum. Certification can be completed within 24-30 calendar weeks or longer if the candidate desires to take a break between courses. Students will participate in three faculty-led sessions for each six week course. The majority of the course is conducted asychronously.


Challenge Path

Challenge Path: Can you do it?

Typical Candidate: 8+ years of practical experience in Enterprise Architecture. Candidate has broad experience with applying modeling standards in developing models and diagrams. Candidate has experience with multiple EA frameworks, metamodels, EA related analysis and presenting EA findings to non-EA audiences.

Certification Format: Three successive parts. First part is application with professional reference check. Second part is a comprehensive exam testing modeling, metamodel, and framework knowledge. Third part is a directed practicum. Candidate will develop an integrated architecture description and conduct analysis culminating in a final analysis document for peer review. Certification using this path is estimated between 8-10 weeks to complete for all three parts.

Course Dates and Registration

CEA Black Belt Program:
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